User Identity Synchronization Problem

Application Deployment:
  • Some are running on-premises
  • Some are hosted in public clouds
  • Some are SaaS
  • Keeping track of which users need to have accounts in which applications and with what permissions is becoming a more complex task, demanding more structure and automation.

    Single Source of Truth

    Designate a single Master Active Directory.

    The Master Active Directory acts as the Single Source of Truth for all identity and access-related data. It ensures that there is a consistent and authoritative source for user accounts and their permissions to different groups and policies as they move around the organization.

    Integrated Provisioning

    Two Steps:
  • Fetch identity data from upstream sources and put in Master Active Directory
  • Synchronize it to heterogenous targets with the help of Hosting Controller products
  • Integrated User Identity Synchronization

    See how Hosting Controller products fetch data from upstream sources and synchronize it to heterogeneous targets.

    Bring Structure to Organization’s Identity Data

    Map organizational structure to Active Directory organizational units.

    Map organizational departments such as Sales, Operations, Finance, and Administration onto corresponding Active Directory organizational units’ hierarchy.

    Role-Based Access Control

    Control access through RBAC.

    Assign users some business roles and through those business roles assign group memberships, policies, and permissions into the Master Active Directory Server.


    Public Cloud Service Providers

    How many different public cloud service providers (CSPs) is your organization currently using?

    * Source:

    Active Directory Synchronization

    Synchronize AD identities to multiple targets using Hosting Controller open-source connectors

    Synchronize AD Identities

    Synchronize AD Identities

    Synchronize Active Directory Identities to Multiple Targets using Hosting Controller provided open-source connectors.

    Synchronize to Public Clouds IAMs

    Synchronize to Public Clouds

    Synchronize user accounts and group memberships seamlessly between Master Active Directory and Public Clouds IAMs.

    Synchronize to other Active Directories

    Synchronize to other AD's

    Synchronize identities and access data to other Active Directories. These could be on-premises or cloud Active Directories.

    Synchronize to Microsoft 365

    Synchronize to Microsoft 365

    Synchronize to Microsoft 365 with Hosting Controller Microsoft 365 connector. For this appropriate subscriptions should already be purchased.

    Synchronize to Microsoft Enterprise Applications

    Synchronize to Microsoft Enterprise Applications

    Synchronize to Microsoft Enterprise applications (on-premises or in the cloud) including Exchange and SharePoint.

    Synchronize to Databases

    Synchronize to Databases

    Synchronize user accounts to applications including MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB and others. These use Hosting Controller provided control panel APIs.

    Hosting Controller SaaS Connector

    Synchronize to hosted SaaS applications.

    Synchronize user accounts from the Master Active Directory Server to a bunch of hosted SaaS applications with the help of Hosting Controller SaaS connectors. The users are synchronized as per the business rules of the organization.

    Don't Miss Our Exclusive Webinar on Integrated User Identity Synchronization

    Watch Webinar

    Keep track of which users need to have accounts in which applications and with what permissions.