Here you can find a collection of recorded Webinars covering a variety of topics related to our industry. The list is constantly being updated and improved, so make sure to check back often. In the meantime, if you require any further information, please contact us.
Register for an upcoming webinar or view list of recorded webinars below that you may watch at your leisure.
Presenter: Syed Hashmi - Founder & CEO Hosting Controller.
This webinar held on May 16, 2012 that discusses the challenges involved and highlights the role of an 'automation control panel' and explains the opportunities available for any service provider on how they can benefit by converging on Cloud infrastructure.
Presenter: Syed Hashmi - Founder & CEO Hosting Controller.
This webinar held on January 17, 2012 that addresses how Service Provider and Orchestration software vendors can provision tens of commonly used products and servers with HC which can also be readily integrated with any Orchestration Software.
Presenter: Syed Hashmi - Founder & CEO Hosting Controller.
This webinar held on November 03, 2011, offers a crash course for the traditional web host on how to offer Cloud based software as a service, the same way as they do for websites and related services in their web hosting business.
Presenter: Syed Hashmi - Founder & CEO Hosting Controller.
This webinar held on December 15, 2011, covers how hosts can start offering Hosted Exchange services. What it takes to offer Hosted Exchange and why is it valuable to you as a web host?