
Hosting Controller Hybrid Cloud Control Panel

Share a single “Management Platform” across all your clouds.

hybrid cloud control panel
HC hybrid cloud

Holistic Hybrid Cloud Management Tool

While some argue the value of a hybrid cloud is in sharing of applications across clouds and other argue that it is in sharing data across clouds, we argue that sharing applications and/or data comes secondary. What is most important is to share a single “Management Platform” across all clouds.

Hosting Controller makes this easy for you.

Single Management Platform Across All Your Clouds

A holistic Hybrid Cloud Management Tool (like Hosting Controller) will provide the following:

Private Cloud

Transform on-premises workloads running in your own data centers into a Private Cloud.

Multi-Cloud Provisioning

Enable automated provisioning of applications letting admins to choose the most suitable options to deploy given application workloads between private and multiple public clouds.

Unified IAM Across Cloud Platforms

Provide unified and synchronized IAM across private and multiple public clouds.

Provide unified and synchronized IAM across private and multiple public clouds

Data Migration

Seamless migration of data across hybrid applications between private and public clouds


Transform on-premises Workloads into a Private Cloud

The core module of hosting Controller interfaces with all applications running in the on-premises infrastructure hosted in your own data centers and transforms them into a Private Cloud; providing all the essential ingredients of a cloud platform. Read More

Private Cloud

IBM Institute of Business Value reports that 85% of organizations are already operating in multi-cloud mode and the number is expected to go to 98% in three years.


Hybrid Identity and Access Management

Hosting Controller Hybrid Cloud Control Panel enables centralized and synchronized IAM across your on-premises private clouds, cloud Active Directories and all public cloud platform IAMs.

Hybrid IAM requires Hosting Controller AD Sync tool

Hybrid Microsoft Enterprise Applications

Organizations using Microsoft Exchange and other Microsoft enterprise applications like SharePoint , Skype for Business, may choose to deploy their Microsoft Exchange based email in a hybrid configuration.
Mailbox-Partitioned Configuration
Seamless Movement of Accounts
App-Partitioned Configuration

Hybrid Web Applications

Seamless migration of web applications data between private and public cloud.

Migration requires the rebuildXpress tool

Hybrid Virtual Machines

Hybrid Virtual Machines

Hosting Controller supports Hybrid multi-cloud virtualization module. When creating a virtual machine, a user can choose where do they want their VMs to be created based on the optimal location of the workload.

Why Hosting Controller?

Hosting Controller hybrid cloud automation platform now opens new avenues for organizations that want to extend the convenience of the cloud to their power users while still being able to keep their lighter users on-premises.

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