Zipping a file or folder

Zip is a very successful way of compressing folders and files. Zip reduces the total size of files/folders from 10% to 99%. Hosting Controller allows you to zip the files on the server. This is particularly useful if you want to download you websites for backup purpose.

To create zip:

  1. Click on the Directories link in the in the Directory Manager menu.

  2. Click on the domain that you want to work with.

  3. You have a Directories menu displayed on the left. Click on a folder to open the folder.

  4. Click on the check boxes on right side to select the folder and files you want to zip. Click on File Name check box on the top to select all the files and folders in current directory.

  5. Enter new zip file name in Archive Name box. Click Also Zip Sub-Folders if you want to zip the files/folders contained within the selected folders.

  6. Click on the button.


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