Uninstalling FrontPage extensions

Hosting Controller enables you to uninstall FrontPage Extensions on any of you sites at any time. If you are having trouble using FrontPage on a site, one of the first options you should try is uninstalling and reinstalling the FrontPage Extensions. Refer to Microsoft Knowledgebase if you are having problems with FrontPage.

To uninstall FrontPage Extensions:

  1. Click on the Uninstall Extensions link in the FrontPage Manager menu.

  2. Click on the uninstall option from the Full Uninstall drop-down list. Two options are available:

  3. Choose the domain name for the uninstall from the Virtual Host Name drop-down list.

  4. Specify the port number for the uninstall in the Port Number field. The default value is usually the correct one.

  5. Click on the button.


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