Folder Security

The Folder Security area allows you to set security access for folders and files on your web site. This can range from allowing anyone change or delete a folder, right through to only allowing one user view a specific file. It is particularly important set security settings for new FTP accounts - refer to Adding a user for more information.

There are a number of different security permissions that you can set. Different types of security can be combined together, for example the WriteExe option combines the Write and Execute options together.

You can also set inheritance security permissions. Inheritance refers to whether sub-folders or files within sub-folders "inherit" these permissions. You can set the following inheritance settings:

To add security on a folder or file:

  1. Click on the Folder Setup link in the Folder Security menu.

  2. Click on the required domain in the Folder area.

  3. Click on the button.

  4. Keep clicking on a folder in the Folder area and clicking on the button until you have selected the correct folder. The folder that is currently selected is displayed in the Selected Folder/File area.

  5. Click on the required file in the File area and click on the button, if you need to set the security settings for a file rather than a folder.

  6. Click on the button underneath the Selected Folder/File area.

  7. Click on the button.

  8. Select the required user from the Users area, the security setting give them in the Permissions area, and the inheritance of these security settings in the Inheritance area.

  9. Refer to the beginning of this topic for the definition of all of the Permission types. Compound types allow multiple areas of control - WriteExe gives both Write and Execute permissions.

  10. Click on the button. Security permissions have been set for that file or folder.


- Removing security settings


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