The panel can monitor the disk usage and send alerts to both customer and host. This monitoring behavior is totally dependant on how you configure your disk usage settings.


To perform the disk usage settings:














Disk Usage Reports:

Following are settings related to disk usage reports. These reports simply show the usage statistics.

Send Disk Usage Report:

Tick this check box to send disk usage reports emails.

Frequency of Disk Usage Reports:

Select the required option from the drop down menu for sending reports. The email can be send daily or on weekly basis.

Disk Usage Warnings:

Following are the settings related to disk usage warnings. They warn the user about the disk usage when it is consumed to a set percentage.

Send Warning Email:

Tick this check box to send the disk usage email warnings to the users.

Send Warning Email When:

Fill in the percentage after which the email warning should be sent to the user.

CC Email to Owner:

Tick this check box if it is required to CC the email to the owner as well.

Disk Usage Threshold:

Following are the threshold settings which, when reached the panel performs some selected task accordingly.

Threshold Limit:

This is the consumption limit of the disk.

Action to perform:

Select the action to perform reaching the threshold from the drop down menu. It can be:

Perform Disk Usage Calculation:

Select the time for the Disk Usage Calculation from the drop down. It can be daily or 12 hourly.

Starting Time:

Select the start time for the disk usage calculation from the drop down menu.