Authorize.Net provides Internet Protocol (IP) payment gateway services that enable merchants to authorize settle and manage credit card or electronic check transactions anytime, anywhere.


To configure provide the following information:


Authorize.Net Login Name:

Enter the login name for the Authorize.Net account.

Transaction key obtained from the Merchant Interface:

The Transaction Key is similar to a password and is used by the Payment Gateway to authenticate transactions. You may obtain a new, unique transaction key as often as you wish from your Authorize.Net control panel.

Test Transaction (Enter TRUE for test and FALSE for live):

If you are testing the gateway then enter TRUE other wise enter FALSE.

Payment Mode (e.g. AUTH_CAPTURE, AUTH_ONLY):



Transactions of this type will be sent for authorization. The transaction will be automatically picked up for settlement if approved.

Transactions of this type are submitted if the merchant wishes to validate the credit card for the amount of the goods sold.

This is a request to settle a transaction that was not submitted for authorization through the payment gateway.

This transaction is also referred to as a "Refund" and indicates to the gateway that money should flow from the merchant to the customer.

This transaction is an action on a previous transaction and is used to cancel the previous transaction and ensure it does not get sent for settlement.

This transaction is used to request settlement for a transaction that was previously submitted as an AUTH_ONLY.


After you have provide the above informations correctly, press the Save Settings button to save the configurations you have made for the gateway.